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Best Youtube Shorts Ideas Made Simple: What You Need to Know

 Examining YouTube’s list of the top trending vids and top flicks of 2022, as well as the YouTube Advertisements Leaderboard 2022 time- end- mantle- up can educate happy marketers, content creators, and digital advertisers some important assignments that they can apply in 2023. But, it helps if you have a secret decoder ring to decipher why there are three lists – and why each one uses a different methodology to come up with the rankings. 

YouTube unveiled its first list of the 10 most- watched YouTube shorts idea vids back in December 2010. Unfortunately, that list tutored multitudinous marketers that “ view count ” was the only standard that signified. But, I got my secret decoder ring back in October 2012, when YouTube started conforming the ranking of vids in YouTube quest results to award engaging vids that kept spectators watching. In other words, YouTube replaced “ view count ” with “ watch time. 

” This was a significant shift, because “ watch time ” gives you a sense of what content spectators actually watch, as opposed to vids that they click on and also abandon. n December 2012, YouTube shifted from unveiling its 10 “ most- watched ” vids of the time to unveiling its “ top trending vids, ” predicated on time spent watching, sharing, editorializing, liking, and other factors. In other words, “ watch time ” and “ engagements ” were now the criteria that signified. moment, 

YouTube’s algorithm rewards “ observer satisfaction. ” In other words, YouTube does n’t pay attention to vids; it pays attention to spectators. So, rather than trying to make vids that ’ll make an algorithm happy, concentrate on making vids that make your spectators happy. This brings us to YouTube’s lists of “ trending vids ” and “ top flicks ” for 2022.

 To learn important assignments that can be applied in 2023, we need to realize that YouTube’s discovery system uses both absolute and relative watch time as signals when deciding cult engagement. ultimately, YouTube wants both short and long vids to succeed, so relative watch time is more important for short vids, and absolute watch time is more important for longer vids.

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